Installer Setup

After you have downloaded the OpenStudio installer, you will want to install Ruby (2.2.4). This will allow you to execute rake tasks contained in the Rakefile. Follow the instructions below for Windows Setup or Mac Setup.

Windows Setup

  1. Install Ruby (2.2.4). Follow the installation instructions here (“Optional - Install Ruby”).
  2. Run gem install bundler -v 1.17.1.


If you get an error, you may have to issue the following: gem sources -r followed by gem sources -a If you still get an error, manually update your gem sources list by including a config file named “.gemrc” in your home directory (.e.g, /c/Users/<USERNAME>) with the following contents:

:backtrace: false
:bulk_threshold: 1000
:update_sources: true
:verbose: true
  1. Download the DevKit at (e.g., DevKit-mingw64-64-4.7.2-20130224-1432-sfx.exe). Choose either the 32-bit or 64-bit version depending on which version of Ruby you installed. Run the installer and extract to a directory (e.g., C:\RubyDevKit). Go to this directory, run ruby dk.rb init, modify the config.yml file as needed, and finally run ruby dk.rb install.
  2. Run bundle install from the OpenStudio-BuildStock directory. (If you get an error, check that git is in your PATH and that you are using the correct version of Ruby (2.2.4).)

Mac Setup

Install Homebrew if you don’t have it already.

Run brew doctor. It should give you, among other issues, a list of unexpected dylibs that you’ll need to move for this to work such as:

Unexpected dylibs:

Highlight and copy the list (without the header “Unexpected dylibs:”). Run the following commands to move them to another location where they won’t interfere.

mkdir ~/unused_dylibs
pbpaste | xargs -t -I % mv % ~/unused_dylibs

Install rbenv and required dependencies.

brew install openssl libyaml libffi rbenv

Initialize rbenv by running the command below and following the instructions to add the appropriate things to your ~/.bash_profile.

rbenv init

Install the appropriate ruby version.

cd path/to/repo
rbenv install `cat .ruby-version`

Add the path to the install ruby libraries top the bottom of your ~/.bash_profile

echo "export RUBYLIB=/Applications/OpenStudio-2.9.0/Ruby" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export ENERGYPLUS_EXE_PATH=\"/Applications/OpenStudio-2.9.0/EnergyPlus/energyplus-9.2.0\""

Install bundler and the libraries that bundler installs.

gem install bundler -v 1.17.1
bundle install